The 2 Mpixel and 4 Mpixel members of the SmartView series are capable of counting the number of people who enter and exit, while also registering real-time occupancy. The people counting function can be used in an even more sophisticated manner, if the Techson SmartView camera is connected to the TCP SCM F8 NVR or to the access control and fever detection version of the SmartCenter software.
Functions of the Techson SmartView camera range associated with object recognition assist in registering and observing the occupancy limit.
Why is it important to know the number of people present in a given room? Primarily for safety reasons. The capacity of an area is never unlimited. The number of people allowed to stay in a room is not merely determined on the basis of floor space, but the type of the activity taking place may also be influential. The people counting-cameras helps in controlling all these.
As a result of its object recognition feature, SmartView is capable of distinguishing people and vehicles. For this purpose, in the integrated counting feature it is possible to set the type of object to be recognized.
As in the case of crossing a line, the counting function also takes the direction of crossing into consideration, and sorts data into two groups accordingly. It registers entries and exits, after the appropriate logic for the two directions is set.
The 2 Mpixel and 4 Mpixel members of the SmartView series are capable of counting the number of people who enter and exit, while also registering real-time occupancy. Models with a relay output, may as well operate their own relays when the set threshold is reached, to indicate that the set maximum occupancy has been reached. In addition to typical responses (saving of an image, e-mail, upload to ftp), the access control camera provides a further function upon reaching the threshold value: it keeps the relay of the alarm output closed until the number of occupants goes below the threshold value. Thus, a red signal light can be easily used to alert people attempting to enter that they have exceeded the occupancy limit of the given area.
The people counting function can be used in an even more sophisticated manner, if the Techson SmartView camera is connected to the TCP SCM F8 NVR or to the access control and fever detection version of the SmartCenter software. In this case, it is possible to detect multiple entry points simultaneously and to accumulate the people count values they record.
This means that in case of eight detected gates and ten people having entered through each, the NVR or the SmartCenter will register 80 occupants, and the threshold value can also be set for an accumulated occupancy. System occupancy limits can be easily observed with the Techson cameras. People count values and people flow can be registered, and statistics data may also be easily obtained.